Honorable Mention Hits 500

To: All Amiga fans accross the Internet.

Just to let you know that the Honorable Mention web page has exceeded 500 total articles. As you probably know Honorable Mention indexes positive mentions of the Amiga computer in the non-Amiga specific press so you can find out what is being said about our favorite computer.

Many of my articles includes links to full text, mail to links to the authors, and links to the news sources home page.

Some new features I have added in HM include a Recent Articles page so you can quickly link to stories dated within the last two months as well as links to model specs, technical terms and company home pages whenever mentioned in an article.

Please stop by at http://www.rust.net/~mignash/hm.html to view news coverage of the Amiga from the latest word, all the way back to reviews of the Amiga Inc. Joyboard and Powerstick 13 years ago, and everything in between.

Mathew R. Ignash

Webmaster of Honorable Mention, The MCUG Amiga SIG Web Page and Amiga Decade, Matt's Amiga Dictionary And Reference, and Matt's Original Rifts Material.

Webmaster of The C64/128 Web Directory.

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